
网信彩票's School-based education programs

  • 你在为下一学年做计划吗? 

  • Would you like to get your students learning outdoors?

  • Do you have a curriculum that you’d like to implement in the field?

Work with 网信彩票 Naturalist Educators to do field trips with a focus on what you’re learning in the classroom for students of all ages. 

设计的自然, an education program of 网信彩票, provides field trips and session-long programs for students in Ventura County. 这些程序的设计, often in line with the classroom's objectives, to connect children to nature through hands-on learning experiences related to the natural sciences. 

With the support of the Audacious Foundation, a foundation funded by Paul and Jane Wood Orfalea, 设计的自然 has been providing weekly field trips for two schools in Oxnard at no cost to the students. 98% of these students are considered low-income and/or vulnerable youth. 每个星期, these students receive transportation to a preserved natural area in Ventura County for a three-hour field trip as part of their regularly scheduled school day. Topics covered have included habitat restoration, 鸟类和植物鉴定, 分水岭教育, 管理, 还有更多.

整个2022-2023学年, we have provided this program for a total of 123 students spanning across 4th, 5th, 六年级. “A study of 40 schools in twelve states compared classrooms that integrated the natural environment into lessons with those that did not, and found that in 92% of the comparisons enthusiasm for learning, 标准化考试成绩, and GPAs were higher in schools with integrated natural environments. According to a study by the California Department of Education, at-risk children who participated in outdoor education programs raised their science test scores by 27%, improved their conflict resolution and problem-solving skills, and experienced better self-esteem and motivation to learn. Research also shows improvements in motivation to learn and classroom behavior, 专注改善, 保留, 行为与认知功能, 减轻压力, and an improvement to their ability to cope (acting like a reset button for fidgety kids). Time outdoors also increases a child’s propensity to cooperate, as well as actively care about others and the environment. ”(来源: 大胆基金会)

With the support of 大胆基金会 and VLT supporters, this program is set to expand to twice per week beginning in the 2023-2024 school year.


Locations include 网信彩票 properties:

Other locations include the Ventura and Santa Clara River estuaries and the settling ponds.



amy@unsp-fo.com 或(805)643-8044分机. 716